I care.

Recently, a dear friend of mine asked me if I remember the 70’s. She explained to me how much we have changed since then. Instantly I believed that to be an obvious statement. And then I really thought about it. Have we changed for the better? “Back then we had real mayo in the fridge and whole milk and we didn’t need to care about the things that we care about today.” Today’s kids are bombarded with pressure; in school and on line. They see their friends with the expensive clothes. Do they wish for those clothes? I don’t know. I remember vividly seeing President Nixon on the television talking about how he had no plans of entering Laos. But as we all know, troops were invading Laos at that very moment. So politicians lied to us then too. So how much have we really changed as humans? Do I care more about my own life? Certainly because I didn’t care about anything back then. Maybe friends; friends were important. The most important. Those same friends that I don’t even know anymore. Why dont I know them? Perhaps because I have stopped caring. What is it that has made me stop caring? The fact is that I do care. But as an adult, my priorities have narrowed. I care about myself and the few people within my circle. So as a member of this planet, I try to be a good person but oftentimes fall just a bit short of successful. And you that are reading this now, know that I care about you. I care so much that you have entered my life at a time most needed. I care that you care for me. I care about the many things that are important to you. Life is a cruel joke my friends but we must live it to the fullest. We must suck out the marrow and stop to smell the roses.

I care.

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